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Epicenters of Refuge: A Tale of Two Cities

Published December 18, 2018

The U.S./Mexico border has become the focal point for an international human rights crisis that only seems to be getting worse. Veteran photographer Arturo Talavera captures images from refugee camps in Mexico City and Tijuana, and the desperate lines of asylum seekers arrayed along the U.S./Mexico border.



A young Honduran woman chooses donated clothing at the Jesús Martínez “Palillo” stadium located at Magdalena Mixhuca Sports City in Mexico City.
The stadium housed over 4,000 migrants who were heading north to the U.S./Mexico border in November.



At the Jesús Martínez “Palillo” stadium, Honduran migrantes gather to have breakfast.



“Efigenia,” a Honduran woman, is having breakfast at the sports stadium refugee camp in Mexico City.



“Joel” from El Salvador, who did not want to give his last name, covers himself to eat on a cold day.







Clothing donated by Mexico’s civil society. “Joel” covers himself from the cold at the “Palillo” stadium refugee camp.






A Honduran man awaits a medical consult at the Jesús Martínez “Palillo” stadium in Mexico City.





At the U.S./Mexico border, Mexican Federal Police stop the migrant caravan members from nearing the border wall.






Underneath freight train cars, a Honduran family seeks protection from the tear gas launched by the U.S. Border Patrol.







At the U.S./Mexico border, migrants jump a metal fence near the San Ysidro crossing.







Migrants running towards the San Ysidro crossing at the U.S./Mexico border.






U.S. Border Patrol at the U.S./Mexico border.




Migrants wait to cross into the United States near the Chaparral Crossing.




A Honduran migrant with shirt protesting President Donald Trump.





A Honduran child at the Benito Juaréz refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico.






The conditions of exposed living at the Benito Juárez refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico.






A special needs child and his family, crying due to exposure to tear gas launched by the U.S. Border Patrol.





An American photographer helps a migrant child move out of harm’s way, near the San Ysidro crossing.





“Isabel” waking up at 7 a.m. outside of the Benito Juárez refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico.







On a bridge near the San Ysidro crossing at the U.S./Mexico border.







  Mexican Federal Police block passage of the migrant caravan to the San Ysidro crossing.



Honduran migrants help a fellow migrant clean his eyes that have been exposed to tear gas that was launched by the U.S. Border Patrol.






Migrants signaling the way to the border.







At the U.S./Mexico border, migrants jump a metal fence near the San Ysidro crossing.





Outside of the Benito Juárez refugee camp, “Elvira” breastfeeds her child.








Migrants getting ready to stay the night at the Benito Juárez refugee camp.






Migrants bathing in a makeshift shower in the early morning at the Benito Juárez refugee camp.







Migrants sleeping outside the Benito Juárez refugee camp in Tijuana, Mexico.







“Pablo” and his fellow Honduran migrants sleeping outside of the Benito Juárez refugee camp.







Migrants at the U.S./Mexico border yelling protest chants at the U.S. Border Patrol.